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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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After School Program Image

After School Program

Free Program for Students in Grades TK-5

After School Program

Kroc Center offers a robust homework-first program for students in TK through 5th Grade.*

We will accept TK students who have siblings or who are enrolling a sibling in our program.

Aceptaremos estudiantes del kínder de transición que tengan hermanos o que estén inscribiendo a un hermano en nuestro programa.

Priority will be given to ASP and current camp students.

Prioridad se le dara a los estudiantes del año pasado y estudiantes en nuestro campamento.

HOMEWORK HELP ayuda con tarea

LITERACY Literatura

ART & SCIENCE ENRICHMENGTS talleres de arte y ciencia

KROCVENTURES adventuras Kroc

FAMILY NIGHTS noche de familia

COMMUNITY MOVIE NIGHTS noche de película familiar 

TROOPS PROGRAM programa de troops

SOCCER TEAM equipo de fútbol



  • With support, find key details in a story.
  • With support, identify characters in a story.
  • Identify colors in the book.


  • Be able to print their full name.
  • Know the Alphabet.
  • Trace the letters of the alphabet.


  • Count to 20 starting with one.
  • Write numbers from 1-20.
  • Be able to count the number of objects.


  • With support, find key details in a story.
  • With support, identify characters in a story.
  • With support, compare characters in a story.


  • Be able to print their full name.
  • Trace the letters of the alphabet.
  • Write three simple sight words.


  • Count to 20 starting with one.
  • Write numbers from 1-20.
  • Be able to count the number of objects.


  • Give three details in a story.
  • Identify key characters, setting and main events.
  • Read ten high frequency words.


  • Write the author’s name and title of the book.
  • With support, write two facts from a story.
  • Write two simple sentences.


  • Add and subtract within 1-10.
  • Count to 50 starting with 1.
  • With Support, understand place value.


  • Answer who, what, and where and from a short story.
  • Describe how characters are connected in a short story.
  • Locate key facts from a short story.


  • With support, write a story with specific information.
  • Write a short narrative about their life.
  • Gather information from a provided source and write three facts.


  • Use place value to understand how to add/subtract.
  • Understand the value of money.
  • Understand how to tell time.


  • Decode one syllable words with vowel teams (ea, ee, au, oo, etc.)
  • Orally read texts with accuracy and expression.
  • Verbally answer questions about key details in a text


  • Write an informative paragraph on a topic.
  • Produce clear writing with supporting details.
  • Take notes and sort evidence into categories.


  • Develop understanding of fractions as numbers.
  • Multiply and divide within 100.
  • Use place value to perform multiplication and division.


  • Determine the theme of the story and summarize the text.
  • Describe in detail the characters in the story.
  • Compare and contrast character’s points of view.


  • Write an opinion piece with supporting details.
  • When writing, incorporate introduction, body and conclusion clearly.
  • Use descriptive words and phrases to convey experiences.


  • Multiply and divide to solve word problems.
  • Be able to add multi-digit whole numbers.
  • With a single system of measurement, be able to understand relative sizes.


  • Determine two or more main ideas of a text and support with details.
  • Read text and stories with purpose and understanding.
  • Identify the hero and antagonist in a story.


  • With support, produce clear, well written multi-paragraph stories.
  • Create a short research paper on a high interest topic.
  • With support, be able to revise and edit writing samples.


  • Convert standard to expanded form.
  • Understand the powers of ten.
  • Multiply 2- and 3-digit numbers.

After School Program

Monday through Friday / Lunes a Viernes, 3pm-6pm.*

*Program opens early on Wednesdays for early dismissal.

Programa abre temprano los miércoles (para salida temprana).


The following are schools that we pick up from:

  • Spring Valley @ Tenderloin School
  • Redding @ Tenderloin School
  • Tenderloin Community School
  • Bessie @ Turk/Jones School Bus Stop
  • Daniel Webster @ Leavenworth / Turk School Bus Stop

* We accept students from other school if dropped off.

Acceptamos estudiantes de otras escuelas si pueden traerlos.

Funded by The Children and Youth Fund


Our Community Hub Collaborative Partners


Becoming a Part of Our After School Program

'24 - '25 After School Program Application in English and Spanish

(415) 345-3458
Frida Torres, Education Manager: [email protected]

Have Questions?

We're here to help! Contact our helpful and caring staff today and we will be happy to help you with whatever you need.

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